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Ajex Logistics Services of Saudi Arabia

Latest news - January 2024

Africa Union Trading and Africa Union Aviation [AUH Companies], subsidiaries of Africa Union Holdings Group Incorporated and Headquartered Johannesburg South Africa, are pleased to announce that a Memorandum Of Understanding [MOU] was signed at the Saudi Trade Attaché’s office in Sandton -Johannesburg , South Africa, on 10 January 2024 with Ajex Logistics Services of Saudi Arabia.

Following this development, an Agency Agreement will be signed in Riyadh later this year. 

Ajex logistics services is a subsidiary of the Ajlan Bros. Holdings Group headquartered in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. The Ajlan Bros Group is Saudi Ara

bia’s third largest private company with a footprint and offices throughout the Middle East, Asia, America, and Europe.


Africa Union Holdings Group on the other hand, has a footprint in four African countries, two in Europe, One in the Middle East, and one in Asia with plans to establish presence in Saudi Arabia. 

The scope of this MOU will amongst other things, intend to fulfill the role of Supply chain and logistics services in Africa, Middle East focusing on regions where both AUH Companies and Ajex Logistics have an interest. 

The MOU is based on the understanding that all cargo under the control of Ajex and its subsidiaries /Agents, destined for the last mile in Africa Countries will be managed by AUH Companies . 

All cargo destined for the Middle East or beyond, the last mile will be handled by Ajex and its agents. 

Parties to this MOU, perceive the development as a crucial milestone for business in the Sub-Saharan region of Africa. 

With support from Saudi Arabian trade attaché’s office in South Africa, this MOU intends to serve as a platform for other Saudi Arabian companies seeking to conduct business in sub -Saharan Africa.

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